Welcome to the Coffs Harbour Orchid Society website.
The Coffs Harbour Orchid Society started in 1961 as the Coffs Harbour Horticultural and Orchid Society. In 1971 the Orchid Society was formed as a separate organisation.
Meetings are held on 1st Thursday of each month @ 7:00pm* at the North Coast Regional Botanic Gardens, Hardacre Street, Coffs Harbour NSW 2450.
Visitors are always welcome to attend the society’s meetings with members only to pleased to answer any orchid related questions.
* except School Holidays
What's Happening
NEW DATE – 13th March
Join us for a very special speaker, Ray Clements of Tinonee Orchids will be talking about his ‘Orchid’ journey which spans many decades and continents! He will also have some beautiful orchids and orchid hardware for sale.
The Society is now taking orders for this years Member’s Growing Competition Plant. The plant draw will take place at the March meeting and the first judging from the April meeting. This year the Committee plan to test CHOS members growing skills by selecting a hybrid Tolumnia as the Growing Competition Plant. Many growers find this group of orchids very difficult to grow but others have had outstanding success. This years growing competition plant will be the hybrid Tolumnia Ky-Elles Dream X Tolumnia pulchella. Each plant will cost $10 and only one plant will be allowed for each CHOS member.
Don’t forget the AOC 2025 CONFERENCE HOSTED BY WDOS will be held on 1st—5th October 2025. Full Show Schedule is now on the website plus Registration Forms. Check out www.aoc2005.org.au
The April speaker will feature Bob Southwell, a respected member of our Society, Bob has been our Show Marshal for many years and he has seen it all. Bob has prepared a PowerPoint of how to, not only how to bench your orchids at at show, but how to present them to their fullest potential and how to complete the paperwork to enter them at our up coming Autumn Show, April 26th and 27th 2025.
This month will be the first judging of our Competition Plants. Make sure you bring your plant to the meeting. Even if you are not either first or second – you get a point for bringing your plant, and you never know, yours might be the best on the night.
Are you interested in being involved in designing and constructing an Orchid Display for the Woolgoolga AOC Conference in October? CHOS has been allocated an area 4 x 4 metres for our display. Paige Sinclair plans to hold the first team meeting during May so planning can proceed for this display. If you are prepared to join the Display Team or need further information then please contact Paige Sinclair on 0427 591 901 or at chorchidsociety@gmail.com.
03 Apr 2025
Monthly Meeting - Preparing Orchids for Benching -
25 Apr 2025
Autumn Orchid Show - Coffs Harbour Botanic Gardens - Benching from Friday 25 April 3pm. -
01 May 2025
Monthly Meeting - Terete Oncidiinae Orchids - a presentation by Bruce Hall