Growing Hints

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Growing Temperature Requirements

Cool Growing

Plants to be kept cool in summer.

Winter daytime min. 12C – night min. 5C.

Summer daytime max. 30C – night min. 10C.


Plants can stand cooler tempts. For short periods.

Winter daytime min. 18C – night min. 5C.

Summer daytime max. 30C – night min. 10C.


Plants can be at higher temps, provided humidity is high.

Winter night temp. min. 15C.

Fertilising Orchids

Organic (natural) or inorganic (chemical) can be applied dry or in a liquid form. Water plants before fertilizing. Fertiliser comprises Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), Potassium (K) as well as trace elements. For growth, use a higher Nitrogen base fertilizer eg. 22 (N): 8 (P): 12 (K). For flowering use a low Nitrogen fertilizer eg.12 (N): 12 (P): 20(K) or similar.

Always read the manufacturer’s instructions. Generally use half the stated strength of fertilizer, applied more often eg. at weekly intervals. Generally water and fertilise plants more frequently during their growth period and reduce frequency during the winter months. Some growers use slow release fertilisers, eg. Osmocote.

Pests & Disease

For the control of scale: mix 10mls Malathion & 25mls white oil into 10L of water and spray late in the day.

Thrips: Malathion.

Bulb or root rot: Fongarid,.

Leaf spot: Mancozeb Plus.

Snails/slugs: any good snail bait on the ground or in the top of pot. Best if ground up and sprinkled around the top of the pot.

Mealy bug: Malathion, or equal parts of water and metho.

Red Spider: Rogor or Mavrik.

When repotting or dividing orchid plants ensure that hands are washed and all cutting tools are sterilized with a solution of neat household bleach between each plant.

When using any chemical always follow carefully the manufacturer’s instructions.

Keep pots clean free from weeds, remove all dead leaves from the pot or from the floor of shade house to minimise bacterial growth.

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    7 Kotuku Street Coffs Harbour NSW 2450

    Ph: 0427 591 901 (Please leave a message)
    Paige Sinclair (President)

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