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Thanks to our sponsors
The following have all kindly supported the Coffs Orchid Society:
Bruce Hall
Bruce provides the Raffle items which are a major fundraiser at our Spring and Autumn Shows.
Dark Star Orchids
Hans and Sue run a small nursery west of Bowraville. They specialise in rare, unusual and hard to find species of many genera particularly Bulbophyllums, Dendrochilums, Stanhopeas, Coelogynes, plus lots of other genera. They can be contacted on 0416 195 832 or 02-65644088. Email : darkstarorchids@skymesh.com.au orwww.darkstarorchids.com.au.
Officeworks carries an excellent range covering all stationery needs, computers/monitors/printers, plus associated technology. They sell a wide range of smart phones and watches, as well as furniture and workspace solutions. If you are looking for low prices on everyday essentials, it’s all there at Home Base, Coffs Harbour. Phone 66-919100 or check out the full range at officeworks.com.au.
Rosella Orchids
Rosella Orchids are based in South Grafton and offer a very wide range of different genera, in all stages of growth, plus a selection of growing accessories. They are predominately an online business but personal purchases can be arranged by appointment on Thursday or Friday. They Sponsor the Grand Champion at our Spring and Autumn Shows and can be contacted on 0409 632 212 or allan@rosellaorchids.com.au.
Coffs Coast Mazda
For a new Mazda also secondhand vehicles, and ALL your servicing needs. Ring for an appointment 6652 3122, or visit their showroom at 211 Pacific Highway Coffs Harbour.
Coffs Harbour Produce
Coffs Harbour Produce is at 26 June Street in Coffs. They carry a good range of fertilisers, insecticides and fungicides for orchids, as well as general garden needs. 6652 2599.