The Coffs Harbour Orchid Society started in 1961 as the Coffs Harbour Horticultural and Orchid Society. The members would break off from the main meeting and discuss orchid business in a corner of the main meeting room, and later held separate meetings in members’ homes.
In 1971 the Orchid Society was formed as a separate organisation with Len Hutchings as president. At first the meetings were held in the Presbyterian hall, and later moved to Cavanbah. The society supported the development of the Botanic Gardens, and in 1988 the meetings were moved to the hall at the Botanic Gardens where they are still held.
The society has held monthly meetings with guest speakers on a wide range of topics to educate members on orchid growing. There has also been a display of flowering orchids at these meetings.
A major activity each year has been the two or three orchid shows held at various locations around town. These shows have typically been in shopping centres where members can show their beautiful blooms to the public. There have also been visits to other orchid societies, field trips and visits to members’ orchid houses.
Shortly after its formation the society started a newsletter called the Coffs Orchid News. It has been through several name changes over the years, but is now once again the Coffs Orchid News. The society has been well served by the editors who have done much to keep members informed about the society, and orchid growing.
In the 1990’s the society sponsored two major festivals with national and international guest speakers, a large show and many commercial growers in attendance. These festivals were well supported and did a lot to raise the profile of the Coffs Harbour Orchid Society.
The strength of the society through the years has been the members who have joined in to help in small or larger ways to maintain and develop the society. In particular the society is indebted to those who have taken on roles as president, secretary treasurer, newsletter editor, show marshal or committee.